[住宿] Match BW Diamond 成功

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (基礎才是根本)時間11年前 (2013/06/14 08:14), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
繼上次match IHG 的 P卡失敗後.. 有個板大建議我去match BW Daimond.. 所以就直直的衝下去match.. 提供資料如下.. 1. Le club P卡 2. IHG G卡 3. SPG 優先會員 (幼幼班) 第一次寄信是6/6.. 第二次6/9寄信去問進度.. 信件內容如下.. Dear Customer Care team, I have sent e-mail for match Diamond elite Level status in Best Western Rewards about 3 days ago. I would like to know the progress of the application if you have any message. The application of information you can be found in the below Thank you for your assistance. I am a Platinum Member of Le Club Accorhotels, Gold Member of Priority Club and Preferred Guest of SPG, recently I will have many nights stay in Priority Club hotels in Japan. So I request Diamond Elite Level status in Best Western Rewards. Please consider about my request seriously. Le Club#: Name: Status: Platinum Priority Club#: Name: Status: Gold SPG #: Name: Status: Preferred Guest The attached files are photo of my other hotel loyalty program cards. Thank you! Best Regards! 今早收到BW的回信如下.. Hi there, Your account has been upgraded. Please see attached letter! 附件內容如下.. Dear Valued Best Western Rewards Member: Congratulations! You have been upgraded with Best Western Rewards® "Status Match…No Catch" program. Your new Elite level kit will arrive in the next 2 to 3 weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 1 (800) 444-7646. We thank you for being a valued Best Western Rewards guest and look forward to seeing you soon at one of our over 4,000 hotels worldwide. Tammy Lucas Managing Director Best Western Rewards 之後帶著期待的心情登入帳號.. 不是只給P卡..而是如期match到Daimond.. 提供給板友參考.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/14 10:38, , 1F
好像是我耶XDD恭喜~再去match 一次吧!
06/14 10:38, 1F

06/14 10:47, , 2F
我前幾天才拿雅高P match IHG P耶... 要不要換信箱在
06/14 10:47, 2F

06/14 10:47, , 3F
06/14 10:47, 3F

06/14 12:59, , 4F
Lu大, 你是寄那個信箱啊?
06/14 12:59, 4F

06/14 14:06, , 5F
06/14 14:06, 5F
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