Re: [情報] 住最佳西方得加航里程八倍[*A/AC/BW]

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (Go! Illini!)時間10年前 (2014/12/26 12:44), 10年前編輯推噓3(301)
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2015 Aeroplan 2000 里又來了 請登入 帳號到 Rewards Offer 選右邊的 Register for Special Offers 就會看到下面的 offer 補上網址: Terms: 雖然限制北美, 但是以前紀錄回報只要是在官網訂的, 香港、日本住宿都有成功拿到里程過 Availability: 01/01/2015 - 04/30/2015 Promo Code: APPROMO9 Details Best Western Rewards® and Aeroplan® Winter Promotion Terms and Conditions Individuals who (a) have enrolled in the Best Western Rewards program; (b) have chosen Aeroplan as their earning preference; and (c) have registered for the Promotion between January 1, 2015, and April 30, 2015 (?Promotion Period?), will earn 1,750 Bonus Aeroplan Miles for each qualified stay* at any Best Western® branded hotel in Canada, the United States, or the Caribbean Islands during the Promotion Period. (The 1,750 bonus miles is in addition to the 250 base miles, for a total of 2,000 Aeroplan Miles for each qualified stay.) BEST WESTERN REWARDS ENROLLMENT, PROMOTION REGISTRATION, AND SELECTION OF AEROPLAN AS EARNING PREFERENCE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE FIRST QUALIFIED STAY. Enrollment into the program and registration for the Promotion can be completed at *A ?qualified stay? for the purpose of this Promotion is defined as one or more consecutive nights at the same Best Western branded hotel at a rate eligible for earning Aeroplan Miles through Best Western Rewards. Only one check-in/check-out permitted per qualified stay. Qualified stays which take place during the Promotion Period, but which have a check-out date that overlaps the ending of the Promotion Period, will be counted towards the Promotion. Promotion may not be valid with other offers, promotions, or discounts. Promotion is subject to cancellation or change without notice. Please allow 4 - 6 weeks for Bonus Aeroplan Miles to post after completed stay. All Best Western Rewards Program rules apply. Visit for complete Program terms and conditions. Each Best Western® branded hotel is independently owned and operated. Best Western and the Best Western marks are service marks or registered service marks of Best Western International, Inc. c 2015 Best Western International, Inc. All rights reserved. ®Aeroplan is a registered trademark of Aimia Canada Inc. and Air Canada. ※ 引述《loveayux (π狼)》之銘言: : 本日AC里程入帳來回報一下, 小弟住的是香港銅鑼灣BW: : 一共拿到250+250*3 = 1000 : 加上前面i大分享的住一次得1000AC : 一共拿到2000 miles. : (成本約3600NTD) : 推薦去住旺角那家BW, 新開的, 而且直接到他的網站上訂比去BW官網定便宜, : i大證實過一樣可以累積BW. : ※ 引述《loveayux (π狼)》之銘言: : : 這個好像比之前住一次送一千還猛很多... : : 在BW帳戶裡選擇prefer加航里程每次可賺250哩, bonus是1750哩, 合計一共兩千. : : 住宿時間是May13-Aug31, 最多可以住五次, 限住美加和加勒比海的BW. : : (不知道會不會跟之前一樣住別的地方也算...XD) : : 來源: : : : : (縮) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

12/26 21:17, , 1F
12/26 21:17, 1F
※ 編輯: illini (, 12/26/2014 21:24:52

12/26 21:26, , 2F
12/26 21:26, 2F

12/26 21:33, , 3F
12/26 21:33, 3F

12/27 18:01, , 4F
12/27 18:01, 4F
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