Re: [分享] *A夥伴兌換長榮哩程票 [*A/BR]

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (kchih)時間11年前 (2013/07/03 20:44), 編輯推噓0(003)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
暫時被下架了 Hi everyone, Just a quick update here. We’ve seen a small issue with a limited number of BR awards since launch. It’s a relatively straightforward fix, but in order to maintain the quality of the booking path we’ve temporarily pulled down BR inventory while we work through the resolution. We’ll put the award booking functionality back online after we resolve the issue, likely late next week or a few days after. Sr. Manager – Customer Experience Planning United Airlines ※ 引述《ctsai319 (Dennis Tsai)》之銘言: : 應該還沒人po,長榮哩程票已經可以在UA網站換到摟!!! : 北美,歐州很多很多日子都可以換到2個皇璽桂冠艙!!! 希望長久下去都這麼大方,不要只是入盟的體驗活動...... : ※ 引述《JeffL (Jeff)》之銘言: : : 截至7/3 聯合航空網站已查的到位子 是否能開票 有待確認 : : 航空公司 線上查票 線上開票 電話查開票 : : ------------------------------------------------------ : : Air Canada [AC] V V V : : Avianca [AV] V V V : : ANA [NH] V V V : : United Airlines [UA] V ? V : : US Airways [US] X X V : : ------------------------------------------------------ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/04 09:40, , 1F
07/04 09:40, 1F

07/04 09:42, , 2F
07/04 09:42, 2F

07/04 10:36, , 3F
之前united.com查的到HX的TPE-HKG(BR codeshare)
07/04 10:36, 3F
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